Pour aujourd’hui, rien sur les jambes (comme souvent le lundi) , travail de gainage uniquement.
16 exercices d’abdominaux en contraction isométrique (sans déplacement des leviers osseux)
on tient au moins 15sec sur chaque exercice (certains sont assez difficiles mais on se challenge à les faire correctement) – 30 secondes sur ceux que l’on maîtrise mieux
(temps de récup = temps de travail)
bonne nouvelle, pas besoin de matériel 😉
Pour revenir sur les blessures (voir article précédent) , voilà un article dont je partage totalement le point vu – ce n’est pas en cherchant à en faire moins, que l’on va forcement limiter le risque de blessures.
« Building Resilience
The conventional approach to dealing with the chronic cycle of injury is to take time off and “let your body heal,” but this is often the opposite of what you actually want to do.
When athletes view themselves as fragile and prone to injury they tend to shy away from load and training stress. By doing this they actually create a more fragile system. This stems from the misconception that athletes need to let their bodies rest and heal up because training is breaking them down. They think they are protecting themselves from an overuse injury by limiting their exposure to training. However, by doing less they are setting themselves up to be less resilient. This is not because the system itself is inherently weak, but rather because without training the system begins to loses the strength and resilience it had, becoming weaker. In other words, prolonged rest doesn’t create resilience, it works against it. «
article complet à lire (et relise) attentivement.